Monday, February 27, 2012

Good Life

I've realized that I started this blog and I didn't even explain why or what or how come or anything of the sort. Well, I want to fix that and share with you my reasons. First, I love to write. However, I HATE writing with a structure. I wish I could just write essays and all of those English assignments with my own style. Obviously I can't do that, so I conform to pass the class. My journal is my one escape from this structure. I love to just write every detail and thought that I can fit. I'll write page after page after page for just one day, and sometimes just for one moment! I love doing this. Nobody reads my journal though because I do put personal thoughts that I usually don't share. I wanted to start a blog because I enjoy hearing what others think of my thoughts, or even just the way I write. So that is the main reason I started this blog.

I also want to share with you why I chose the title I did. To start it, this song is the inspiration...

I love this song because it describes how life can get you down but you need to focus on what's going right. My favorite section of this song is...

I feel like there might be something that I'll miss
I feel like the window closes oh so quick

I'm taking a mental picture of you now
'Cause hopelessly
The hope is we have so much to feel good about

I've always liked this section just because of how it's sung and played and all that jazz. However, I was looking up lyrics one day on and they had a meaning behind this verse that, I think, is put perfectly.

"Life is short, and sometimes we see it pass us by. The window that is our lives can close too quickly. There's too much to worry about, so take a mental picture of right now and live in the moment!"

Live in the moment. I love that saying, and, a lot of times, I find myself not living by it. So, I named my blog after this song so that I can have that reminder of how good my life is and to live in the moment.

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