Monday, February 13, 2012

Andy Grammer ♥

Basically I've decided that I'm going to marry Andy Grammer.

He's cute, he plays the guitar, he can sing, and his music is AH-mazing! You can see it right? I think we'd be a cute couple. :)

Haha, okay, I am totally just kidding... well, about the marriage part at least. I just want you all to know that I bought his album named after him because of one song... Fine By Me

Yeah, there's where amazing comes into play. However, there are 10 other songs on there, so how the heck was I supposed to know if I would like them enough to make it worth it. The answer is... I didn't. I just bought it and listened to the whole album. Conclusion. I love Andy Grammer and all of his music.


LOVE it!



Okay, I'm not going to post all of his songs... mostly because I would rather there be a music video with it, but just know that they are amazing. I've listened to his album about 10 times since I bought it... about 24 hours ago. I know, a little ridiculous, but it really is that good!

Now go listen to his music!!

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