Friday, September 14, 2012


At the end of my last post I mentioned how I'm a little confused in life at the moment. There are so many options, and, at moments, I feel like no direction is offered.

This pretty much sums up my feelings on the whole issue.

Now, this post is not to inform you of my sudden inspiration of figuring everything out. It's more of a comfort post for hopefully more than me. I started school this week (one week down!) and I'm in a Doctrine and Covenants 2nd half class. Our first reading assignment was sections 77-81, and I read through them without looking for anything specific. However, I reached section 79 and I started paying a little more attention, and it has helped me out a lot this week; specifically verse 2-3...

"(2) And I will send upon him the Comforter, which shall teach him the truth and the way whither he shall go; (3) And inasmuch as he is faithful, I will crown him again with sheaves."

I wasn't quite sure what being "crowned with sheaves" meant, so I looked it up through the Latter-day Saint website. The first help I came across was in the D&C institute manual;

"Anciently, grain was cut by hand and tied into large bundles or sheaves which were then carried to the place of threshing. To see a person or an animal “laden with many sheaves” ( D&C 75:5 ) was proof that the person had reaped an abundant harvest and would now enjoy the fruits of his labors"

So my interpretation of these verses is this... if we are faithful and doing the best that we can, the Lord is going to comfort us. He is going to provide us with direction, and we will be blessed and "enjoy the fruits of our labors."

I may not know where I'm exactly going in life, but I know that I am going to be faithful to my Heavenly Father. I know that He loves me and will provide me with direction, and although I may have trails I will be able come out on top and enjoy the blessings that will be given to me.

I hope that this post provides a little comfort for you all. We are not alone, and all we need to do is rely on the Lord. 

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