Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I Can Do Anything Revisited

Some of you probably though I had given up on this blog. Honestly. I had lost my inspiration. I kept coming here and starting to click that new post button and write my heart out, but nothing would come. Especially after I told you about my hubby-- I didn't know how to compete! However, I was hit with with a thought as I was emailing Elder Dennis Squared.

Fist off, Elder Dennis Squared are my two brothers. Cameron is serving in Peru and he's got just under a year left, and Brandon is serving in the Philippines and he just left last August. Yes. I was a basket-case, but that's not the point. I am incredibly proud of them and I wouldn't want them to be in any other place. I try to email them once a week, and I'm usually pretty good about it. Most of the time I try to add a quote with it and my thoughts on it. When Cameron first went out I shared a message that I shared with Brandon once he was out. I've also shared this with you previously, but I wanted to readdress it and add some more thoughts.

 You can do anything for six months.

This was what my grandma told me when I vented to her about my struggles. And it's actually something I think about quite often, but with a little twist.

You can do anything for (insert time here). Whether that be one more minute of my workout, one more hour of my shift, one more day of the week, one more week before a break, etc. When I sent this to Elder Dennis Squared I really stressed changing the time. I know how much I struggle with going somewhere new, so I definitely can relate a little to them, but not really. I kept telling Brandon that he could do anything for a day or a month or a year (or two)! However, sometimes all we have strength for is the next minute. And after that minute is up tell yourself you can do it for one more. Before you know it, it will all be over and you won't know what hit you! So, here are my thoughts to you. Be the little engine that could...even if it's only one minute, or one second, at a time. With that attitude, anything is possible. :)

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